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Breast Augmentation
in West Palm Beach and Jupiter, FL

Many women like to feel healthy, attractive, and confident. Breast size is an important part of every woman’s confidence level. You can go to the gym and become as slim and fit as possible, but if you are small chested, then a breast augmentation in West Palm Beach may be the best option for you. Serving patients in Jupiter, Wellington, Palm Springs and Lake Worth, our incredible team of board certified plastic surgeons work to give you the best results, the most comfortable recovery, and an experience that exceeds your expectations.

Our highly trained plastic surgeons are experienced in providing you with the breasts you have always wanted. Not only do we aim to increase the fullness of your breasts, but we also ensure that your new breasts fit and enhance the natural contour of your body. After your breast augmentation, you will leave our practice as a new you and living the life you deserve.

View Mentor’s brochue on breast augmentation

Breast Augmentation in West Palm Beach and Jupiter, FL

What is a Breast Augmentation?

We know that deciding on breast augmentation, commonly known as a boob job, is a very difficult and personal decision, and we want to make sure you are choosing an experienced plastic surgeon. Many women benefit from breast augmentation, whether they are trying to restore their breasts after pregnancy or simply improve on the shape and size. When you come in for your initial consultation, we will go over the many options available for you. We will also discuss the breast augmentation recovery time and the cost of a breast augmentation. We will make sure you choose the right size breast that will complement and bring balance to your body.

How Much Do Breast Implants Cost?

The cost of cosmetic breast implants will vary depending on the geographical location and your individual anatomy and desired results. Pricing can be discussed during your breast augmentation consultation.

How Long is Recovery from Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Recovery from a breast augmentation procedure will vary depending on each individual. However, most patients should be able to return to work within a week. Excessive physical activity should be avoided for the first couple of weeks, and lifting, pulling, and pushing should be avoided during recovery.

Before & After


Breast Augmentation Case 1 (79703)

Breast Augmentation Case 2 (900794)

Breast Augmentation + Breast Implant Removal Case 3 (889762)

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Good candidates for a breast augmentation are those who feel that they have small breasts or those with breast asymmetry or congenital breast shape deformities who wish to achieve fuller breasts. Breast augmentation can help to improve the breast size and breast shape for a firm, round breast appearance. A consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons can help to determine if this procedure is right for you.

What is Breast Implant Removal?

Breast implants are a long-term breast enlargement solution; however they are not meant to be permanent. Breast implants may last up to 15-20 years without any complications. Some physicians do recommend replacing implants after this time frame and others recommend only replacing an implant if a problem has occurred. It is important to discuss this during your consultation so our surgeons can help guide you to a decision that is right for you.

Some complications that you may experience are:

Leak or Deflation -This condition is fairly simply to diagnose; if you see that your breast looks smaller, then a leak has most likely occurred. We can remove the implant and replace it with a new implant of the original size.

Capsular Contracture - This condition is when the breast feels hard and may be causing discomfort. The scar tissue that forms around the implant thickens and contracts, putting pressure on the implant and causing it to feel firmer. We can remove the scar tissue that has caused the condition and replace it with a new implant of the original size.

Asymmetry or Displacement - This condition is where the implant may shift outward towards the armpit, downward, or inward towards your other breast. Some implant displacement is barely noticeable and will not require any treatment. In other cases, surgery may be needed to move the implant back to where it is supposed to be.

Breast Augmentation

A breast augmentation enhances the shape and size of the breasts with implants. There are many options to take into account before a breast augmentation, including desired breast size, implant type, incision pattern, and placement of implants. Breast enlargement is the most common and popular surgery. The techniques and devices used have been perfected over the years, making this procedure straightforward and safe.

Breast Lift

A breast lift is a type of breast enhancement that corrects sagging breasts that may be due to age, childbirth, or significant weight loss. Two types of breast lifts include a periareolar breast lift, where an incision is made around the areola, and a vertical breast lift, where an incision is made along the natural breast contour. With a breast lift, patients can restore their round, firm, and perky breasts.

Breast Reduction

Overly large breasts may lead to various problems, including neck, back, and shoulder pain, as well as emotional and physical discomfort. A breast reduction immediately eliminates these issues by removing excess breast tissue and skin, which results in natural-looking, balanced breasts.

Breast Reconstruction

The goal of breast reconstruction is to restore one or both breasts to near normal shape, appearance, symmetry, and size following mastectomy, lumpectomy, or congenital deformities. Breast reconstruction often involves multiple procedures performed in stages and can either begin at the time of mastectomy or be delayed until a later date.


Between 40-60 percent of men suffer from gynecomastia, which is a condition where excess fatty tissue grows in the chest and may lead to the development of breasts. Depending on the cause of excess fatty breast tissue, a selection of methods can be used to correct this condition.

Patient reviews

Scheduling Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

We know that deciding on breast augmentation is a very difficult and personal decision, and we want to make sure you are choosing an experienced plastic surgeon. Many women benefit from breast augmentation, whether they are trying to restore their breasts after pregnancy or simply improve on the shape and size. When you come in for your initial consultation, we will go over the many options available for you. We will also discuss the breast augmentation recovery time and the cost of a breast augmentation. We will make sure you choose the right size breast that will complement and bring balance to your body.

We understand that some patients feel more comfortable being treated by a doctor of their same gender, which is why we encourage these patients to meet with our skilled female plastic surgeon. To thoroughly discuss your options and the procedure that will best fit you, schedule your consultation with Plastic Surgery of Palm Beach today!

Additional FAQs About Breast Augmentation

The breast augmentation procedure is done to enlarge the breasts using breast implants. A breast lift, on the other hand, is done to correct sagging, drooping breasts that have lost breast volume due to weight loss, pregnancy, or aging. A breast lift cannot increase the size of the breasts. Oftentimes, the breast augmentation and breast lift procedures are done together as a combined procedure. Check out our gallery to see breast augmentation before and after photos.
There are two main types of implants used today:
  • Saline breast implants
  • Silicone breast implants (also known as cohesive gel or silicone gel implant)
Saline implants are made up of a silicone shell and are filled with a saline solution, while silicone breast implants are made up of a silicone shell filled with a silicone gel. Both types of implants are designed to add volume, form, and symmetry to the chest.
Implants are available in different shapes, sizes, and textures to contribute to a natural looking breast augmentation surgery. The size and shape of breast implant that is right for you will depend on your individual anatomy and desired outcomes.
As with any form of plastic surgery, breast augmentation surgery is associated with some potential risks. These include, but are not limited to: adverse reaction to anesthesia, changes in sensation, scarring, allergic reactions, capsular contracture, implant rupture, and infection.
Following your breast augmentation procedure, you will be required to wear a special supportive bra to help minimize swelling and support the breasts during healing. Pain medication can be used to control discomfort. It is important to follow all patient care instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure a quick and safe recovery and see the breast enhancement you desire.
As part of your breast surgery aftercare, during breast augmentation recovery you will be required to wear a special supportive bra to help minimize swelling and support the breasts as they heal. It is very important to wear this supportive bra per your surgeon’s instructions to ensure optimal results and achieve the breast shape and breast size you want.
Because breast augmentation surgery is an invasive procedure, it will result in some scarring. However, the location of the scarring will depend on the breast surgery incision created during your procedure. The periareolar incision is created around the areola, while the inframammary incision is an incision in the crease beneath the breast. The transaxillary incision is created in the armpit, so there is no scarring on the breast.
Many patients are able to return to work within a week, depending on the nature of their job.
In many cases, breastfeeding after augmentation is possible. However, the placement of breast implants may affect the ability to breastfeed. Implants that are placed under the chest muscle have a higher chance of preventing damage to milk ducts and nerves.
After your breast augmentation recovery is complete, you can feel free to return to physical activity. Be sure to follow your specific post-op instructions provided by your breast augmentation surgeon for optimal results.
Before your breast augmentation, many surgeons recommend a baseline mammogram before surgery. Patients should also stop smoking at least six weeks before surgery and avoid taking aspirin, certain anti-inflammatory drugs, and certain supplements. Preparation for your breast augmentation procedure will be discussed during your consultation.
Before you step into your first appointment with one of our doctors, there are a few procedural items you may want to consider. First, you have three choices for incision locations: transaxillary, which is under the armpit; inframammary, which is underneath the breast fold; or periareolar. which is around the nipple. It is also important to not only research your breast implant type options, but to ask any questions that you may have during your consultation.


Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water. In the case that an implant ruptures, the solution can be naturally absorbed by the body without harm. These implants are FDA-approved and feel more firm.


Silicone implants are made up of silicone gel. The gel substance allows these implants to feel similar to your natural breast. Silicone implants are FDA-approved, but it is important to schedule regular checkups with your doctors to ensure proper implant condition.

Fat Transfer

As opposed to implants, fat transfers use liposuction to transfer fat from another area of the body to enhance your breasts. This procedure provides restrictions for volume increase, but allows for a more natural look and feel.

Depending on the type of implant, your doctor will decide to place the implant on top of or underneath the pectoral muscle. The size of your implant as well as your body type will play a factor in this decision.

We are happy to serve those in West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Wellington, Palm Springs, and Lake Worth. Our facilities are designed to foster a sense of wellness, health, and happiness. Our team of board certified plastic surgeons take great pride in ensuring our patients’ safety and education for each procedure through their aesthetic journey. Contact us today to begin your aesthetic journey.