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The Latest Breast Implant News in West Palm Beach

Breast Augmentation in West Palm Beach and Jupiter, FLWhen it comes to breast implants, women have many options to choose from. First, you have the choice of breast implant material. The most popular breast implant materials, silicone and saline, also offer varying methods of treatment. Depending on the implants selected, women may have the flexibility of selecting the location of surgical incisions. This can be a lot of variables to consider when planning your breast augmentation procedure. To help determine the best breast implant approach for you, here are some of the latest news regarding breast implant materials and techniques.

Transumbilical Breast Augmentation (TUBA)

A safe and innovative alternative to traditional breast augmentation techniques, trans-umbilical breast augmentation offers a scarless option. TUBA breast augmentation is performed by making a small incision in the navel. The surgeon then creates a tunnel through the fatty tissue in the abdomen toward the breasts to place the implant behind the nipple, either above or below the pectoral muscle.

The Future of Implant Consultations: Virtual Reality

It’s understandable that some women feel nervous before getting a breast augmentation. However, new technological advances can give comfort to those who are worried about how their new breasts will look. More and more providers across the United States are adopting virtual reality to show patients what the results of breast augmentation will look like on the patient’s own body. 4-D imaging systems use a series of photographs taken of the patient to analyze their body structure and create a custom, adjustable model that they can interact with in real time. The system also provides the doctors useful information about the patient’s anatomy, giving the patient more confidence in both the process and their new, aesthetic look.

There is no need for you to feel uncomfortable in your body. If you are interested in learning more about breast implants or breast augmentation, contact us at our primary location in West Palm Beach. We also see patients in the neighboring cities of Wellington and Jupiter.